About My Day

Today has been a laid back, babysitting, beats on the side day lol. But today has made me realize how much I love my fiancee. We just sit on the computer most of the time but we do more than just eye contact every 15-20 mins. we actually talk.

I also thought someone stole my art today! I was PISSED! lol but turns out he used the same reference that I did. A 50's Fender Stratocaster.

I had an interview today also! I got the job! (I think, lol) they said they will call me with detials when orientation will be.

But the things that I dislike is the fact that she gets frustrated easily when I teach her something in Photoshop, or escpeciallly illustrator. I try to tell her that nothing is easy but she kinda lashes back at me and gets upset. thats the only thing I hate. It feels like im contradicting with what she wants. Like she doesnt want to do graphics. but idk. if I could get a day where she wouldn't get frustrated at all, I'd teach her everything I know.

In all seriousness, I think its just the birth control LOL!

But now to conclude this day in the life of Devin Green. If you read, thanks if you didn't thanks for visiting :D


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