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Me Getting Into Photography.

I decided to get into photography a long time ago, but never posted anything here. I'm gonna get more photos here than anything. After all, Photography is art. Isn't it?
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Everytime I express my thoughts, people get hurt, upset or happy. That's one of the reasons why I don't really express what I feel unless I'm happy. Don't get me wrong though. I love my life, The people in it, and the people who support me. The love of my life is one of the biggest supporters in my life next to my mom and little bro. My thoughts arent dangerous, but they can be intrusive to others. Most of my thoughts lately have been how I'm going to get through life without pursuing my dreams. If you don't know my dreams by now, (which I'm pretty sure you do) then just look at my art. You will then

I want to know what it feels like to not have a care in the world and have everything provided for myself. I realize now that I do have everything provided. I work often (more than I should) and I always bring food to the house. but sometimes it feels like I'm missing something. I know what that something is. I want to be the best there is in Graphic Design

I know that I can't be the best since it's unrealistic and people have different styles. I want to be well know for my acheivements. I want to be myself. I want to  be able to express my creativity on paper and have that creativity relate to people that love and cherish art and to people  who don't. 

Only one way I know how to do this. Through God himself. He's the only one who can get me that far. He also is the one that helped me get this far and found the one for me. He's kept my art clean and very relatable to everyone. This is why I want art to me my main focus in life. To acheive my dream and to help others acheive them too. To have a life filled with prosperity and creativity. To have a significant other to support me in what I do and to be creative herself in her own way.

I've found this. It's one of the best feelings I've ever had. 

I've also found that I can be better if I learn from the best.
But in order to learn from the best, I need school and to be willling to learn.
I think I know everything but I'm far from that. I have to get it through my thick skull that I don't know everything there is to art.

My life may not seem like the best to you, but it is to me. I have a Fiancee, a loving family, and the will to live. To create what I feel is the best of my art.

In conclusion. These are my thoughts. Take it or leave it. Love it or hate it. 

Expressing my feelings is key to what I want. My Dream.
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Website Deal

I just signed a $400 Website deal! waiting for down payment. Feels really good to get back in the game with business and be a leader again. My Fiancee is also bringing in many clients. If you are interested in any designs by Dremon Studios, just contact us on our site @ http://www.dremonstudios.tk

Thanks For Reading
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Oh man!


Soim going to get more serious about my design career. Im going to get more clients and rake in the cash after getting everything done

If u dont know what the business is, check out Dremon Studios and view the awesome work by me and my business partners/friends

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My Happiness


For a starbucks contest: http://news.deviantart.com/article/151065/

My Happiness in a cup
HQ: http://fav.me/d3io6cq

My Happiness in a cup! Artistic expression, music, Starbucks, Mocha, vanilla ice cream, nature, tea cups, and a pencil. these things will keep me going for a while! 

Done in Photoshop. A little elements done in illustrator. .

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deviantART Muro Icon

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"Dice" Drawing


my first time drawing with the new tablet i got. (bamboo pen). its awesome!

i wanted to practice on it and i saw a pic on #StockProject (http://fav.me/d30nx4p) and decided to draw it for practice.

i think i did pretty good for a first try. what do you think?
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